lauantai 29. elokuuta 2009

Nokia Money innovation - mobile is phenomenon

IDEA: Use Nokia Money to Your online business . . . Yes - You can do it - in very near future and it will be a very good idea. You will have more customers when Mobile payments are opened. Your duty is to be main stream and offer these easy solutions. Be care full that You don´t miss this golden opportunity – this is real : ) like Oxyfress tooth paste was when I first saw it 1980´s when Randy Anderson from California introduced “Oxyfress mouth mint” to me in Finland. Since that Inc. Oxyfress have been on the market with success... and Oxyfress tooth paste is still a selling product. Not many MLM companies have survived more than one year.

What are the bullet proof ideas today? . . . The bullet proof business ideas and ways are to keep Your operations on the main stream only. There are 500 million people in socialmedias. They are Your existing customers. Please remember that today´s best business is to keep operations in 3 rock stars: sell only benefits and help people to buy – more easy your business is more people will buy from you. Keep Your selling message  simply and  uderstantable from customers point of view – the benefit had come out in 3 - 4 seconds. And show your price clearly and be sure that it is easy to pay – use Nokia Money system when it is launched. 

 Advise : b  Please, do not be boring marketer and tell to your customer that You have biggest, fastest, greatest product on the market and it will do this and that . . .  see Thomas Power video from "push" to "pull" at Your Business Channel, which is a great informative broadcaster. In every way avoid broadcasting and shouting as much as You can : )

Read more about Nokia Money payment tool at  NOKIA NEWS - UBERGIZMO NEWS - YAHOO NEWS

Best Regards,
Markku Tauriainen
Finnish Entrepreneur

The next articles at Markku Tauriainen Blog: . . . I will write about "multi-tenancy" ideas which are used in Apple and Skype products (applications). Then I will be posting some good, simple, easy, online business ideas as a start up examples to - especially for nubees & start up companies.

torstai 27. elokuuta 2009

Posted a comment to Donald Trump Blog

I have been reading Donald Trump Blog . . . about 2,5 years now. If You have something to say and You are willing to comment on Donald Trump Blog it will take a moment to have it published. They get serious amount of comments and they like to read them first before your comment is published on the Blog. One big minus is that when You get trough Your comment will be automatically on the bottom - it is hard to find and complicated to advertise to Your friends. Anyway I have managed to get my comments to the Blog even I´m a Finnish Entrepreneur and my written language is bad. I´m sorry : ) that I´m not a native English speaking person -spirit I have!

What I commented was Donald Trump´s writing: Moving Your Ideas That subject is very close to me and Finnish people, because our 1973 born philosopher Pekka Himanen have been broadcasting subject quite often in Finnish medias. The peak performance is that, when You have an innovative idea, you need to have "standby" business plan or at least a commercial solution how to sell it. Otherwise it is no idea at all. Many good innovation will not fly, if You don´t have a marketing plan for it. You need to ask people & customers idea are they willing to buy it or not? And like Donald Trump says: Do only what Your customers want and what they are willing to pay for. These are golden words, if You go deeper on mind and ask from Yourself daily that: am I doing, inventing something what my customers are waiting for? Or sample am I writing this blog to my self or is it something my readers are willing to read and pay for?

Please, if You have any comment or ideas about my writing, I will be happy to get Your responce by e-mail or like a comment to this blog. And would You do it now, because I start writing seriously daily, weekly and so on.

I am interested to hear what You like to know about to do business generally, is the sales techniques you need to improve or is it right approach, coaching or . . .
What do You need in sales?
What is Your success story?

Best Regards,
Markku Tauriainen
Finnish Entrepreneur

P.S. This was my nr 1 blog text ever published in english : ) - so I maid history : b which is worth one bottle of good red wine - later. By the way I have many good stories which I can tell later in this blog. You really can´t meet 50 000 people not having fun and unique experiences : )

perjantai 21. elokuuta 2009

Uusi idea500 blogi avattu


Nimeni on Markku Tauriainen. Asun Kellossa, 15 km Oulusta pohjoiseen päin. Myyntikokemukseni on 30 vuotta.

Alan pitämään blogia. Kirjoitan myyntiin liittyvistä asioista. Tavoitteenani on jakaa myyntiin liittyviä kokemuksia, taitoja ja tarinoita. Yleensä hyvät ja huonot kokemukset ja kommellukset kiinnostavat ihmisiä eniten, joten heitämpä tässä yhden klassikon heti pöytää. Legendasta nimeltä Sokoksen naismyyjä on helppo kuvailla. Laihahko, vaaleahiuksinen naismyyjä seisoo kemikaalion myyntitiskin ulkopuolella ja pitää käsiään sormista kiinni kauppaedustajien sanonnan mukaan häpykummunsa päällä. Kun asiakas tulee nk. iskuetäisyydelle myyjä kysyy: "Voinko auttaa"? Amerikassa tehdyn tutkimuksen mukaan yli 69% ihmisistä vastaa tähän että et. 95% varmuudella vastaus on ei suuntaan eli ei toivottuun suuntaan. Miksi hän sitten kysyy näin? Onko opetettu näin? En tiedä, mutta tämä on legendojen legenda väärästä toimintamallista.

Oikea toimintamalli = Vaihtoehtoinen kysymyksen asettelu lennosta, rennosti ohi kulkiessa pysähtyen. "Hei, oletko tullut katsomaan housuja, paitaa tai oletko muuten vaan katselemassa jotain kivaa itsellesi?" Tähän kysymykseen samoilla prosenteilla asiakas vastaa jotain, josta myyjä pääsee eteenpäin. Löytyykö Suomesta vielä Sokos legendoja - kyllä löytyy aika monesta liikkeestä.